Where My Work Meets You: Uncover the Why

My work is in the why.

There are a lot of people out there who want quick and painless fixes to their problems.

They want to skip to the good part where it feels all juicy and exciting without actually needing to unpack how they got to where they are in the first place.

Without actually doing the work their soul came here for.

Skipping the Why Doesn’t Resolve the Problem

Sometimes, skipping over the why works. But mostly, it’s a bypass and lasts for a time until that soul-curriculum comes around in another form, person, situation.

Your soul doesn’t give your human a free pass down here (sorry!).

It came here to evolve through the exact life you’ve been living, the generational hand-me-downs that were given to you in genetics and familial programming, and everything you’ve been through. You’re meant to evolve through the breakups and divorces, the scarcity around money and your career, the beliefs that keep you disconnected from your soul, and everything else that feels limiting and expansive.

The quick fix might work for a bit, but if you skipped over the actual learning part your soul came for, you’ll probably return to this lesson again.

We Need To Uncover The Why To Heal

My work is in “why” things exist in the first place.

The why = the soul (and human) lesson.

The other thing about my work is that it meets you where you’re at - with all the lessons shoved into your energetic field and subconscious - and takes you where you’re meant to go next.

Someone once said of my work, “it takes you where you were always meant to be but haven’t ever been.”

Other clients say things like, “It’s like taking the blindfold off for the first time,” and “Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Now you just know it’s there. So you either go forward and do the work, or you keep playing the victim out.”

When you understand the why the way I teach you in Soul Forward Method - it changes everything. And when you get the hang of healing multidimensionally using the tools I give you, you find that, in short time, you don’t need them as much anymore.

You discover that because you’ve healed, created so much space within, elevated your consciousness, and ultimately remembered your soul self that you can heal and maintain your post-lesson way of being without needing to go see another person (like a therapist, hypnotherapist, plant medicine facilitator, etc.).

When you work with me and uncover the why, you become your own healer.

My work just gives you the tools.

But I take you on the ride of a lifetime into the how and uncover the why of who you are, because the why is what your soul came here to heal and evolve beyond and the freedom is exquisite.

Soul Forward Method will be too deep for those who are looking for a surface fix. But for those ready and willing to do the work to heal so their soul may come forward - I’m your huckleberry.

My one-to-one Soul Forward: The Journey is the deepest level of this life-altering modality. It’s for you if you want all of my gifts poured into you and access to me (and all that I’ve created) at the touch of a button. We go deep. I have one space left to begin in 2023 and limited spaces for 2024.

The SFM Group Experience is the next best option. It feels like we’re working 1:1 because I teach the same thing I do in the one-to-one, we just can’t go as deep as fast, and you have a bit less access to me. But it’s significantly more accessible financially, and it’ll take you into a state of self-awareness you can’t imagine (so that you can take beautiful, authentic, and empowered ownership of the life you’re living). The group will meet in early 2024, and a special offer is coming soon - so be sure to get on my mailing list!

My work meets you where you are, no matter which program you’re in, and it takes you where you’re meant to go.

It’s an invitation to know yourself in ways you can’t imagine - from the inside out - and allow your soul to come forward from where your past keeps it stuck and small within you.

I’d love to guide you through it. Learn more about the Soul Forward Method or continue to the option that speaks to you.


Why I Left Human Design and Created the Soul Forward Method


Independence Day 11.6.18 - Reflection On Divorce