The next evolution of healing and expansion—a modality that transcends niche healing. Soul-level, self-healing for the visionary woman creating life on her terms, fully embodying her worth, power, purpose, and the limitless potential she hasn’t unlocked yet.

The energetic upgrade that changes everything—heal beyond the root of your limitations and step fully into the soul-led woman you’re destined to be.

This strategic, proven, life-transforming program goes far beyond the healing and manifestation modalities you’ve spent years in (they’ve prepared you for this).

The truth: The healing and personal development work you’ve done has gotten you this far—but this isn’t far enough.

You’re not living the life that fully blows your hair back. You’re still coming up against the same patterns, dealing with things you thought were healed—old wounds, inner child echoes, triggers that still pull you out of alignment.

Keep using the same tools, and you’ll keep getting the same results.

It’s time for something that actually moves you forward.

You’re not afraid to want it all and you’ve done a ton to have it (from journaling to therapy and coaching, manifestation programs, books, podcasts, and maybe some plants…), but none have brought you the life you dream of living because you’re still not an energetic match to the life you want to live.

Those modalities left energetic remnants in place that make it impossible to match the energetic frequency of the life you dream of.

When you’ve tried it all and still aren’t living the life you know is yours, that’s when you come to me.

I’m the catalyst for powerful women who refuse to settle—for less, for limits, for anything short of everything.

I help them unlock their innate self-healing power and elevate their lives using revolutionary, multidimensional tools designed for their next-level evolution.

The life you’re meant for demands more of your authenticity. It requires deeper healing, more expansive tools, and radical energetic shifts that clear what other modalities couldn’t—the subconscious patterns, unprocessed energy, and hidden resistance still keeping you stuck—so you can finally live the life and legacy that’s been calling you forward.

Look no further. This is where that shift begins.

Soul Forward Method is the accelerated, soul-level self-healing experience that delivers what you thought all those years of therapy, energy work, and personal development would—but didn’t.

It’s what you’ve been searching for.

We go where traditional and even the most cutting-edge healing modalities can’t. Working multidimensionally and simultaneously, we clear what’s still in your way—at the subconscious, nervous system, energetic, and soul level—all at once.

Because true transformation doesn’t happen one layer at a time. It happens everywhere, all at once. And that’s exactly what we do inside SFM.

After decades and many, many, many thousands of dollars spent in traditional healing modalities (I’m calling out therapy, books, Morning Pages, podcasts, manifestation programs, healers, shamans, akashic record readers, etc.) I finally found what I’d been searching for in all of them. It changed my life so powerfully that I tapped into gifts I didn’t know I had and allowed me to bring a revolutionary healing modality to life.

Sound familiar?

(Am I about to read your mail? Let’s find out…)

  • You’ve built momentum. You’ve created success. You’re not stuck—but the effort you’re pouring into getting yourself to where you want to be still isn’t fully tracking with the results you know you should have by now. And if one more 'transformational' tool promises the breakthrough you still haven’t had, you might be tempted to write it off—without realizing it’s the one thing that delivers beyond what you thought was possible.

  • Because if this—the life you’re living right now—is as good as it gets, it’ll break your heart. You know it’s supposed to be better than this, that you’re meant for more, and you aren’t afraid or ashamed to admit it. The roles you’re playing, the expectations you’re managing, the dreams you’re chasing, and the boxes you’re outgrowing (in your marriage, parenting, career, and friendships) are stealing your precious energy. 

  • You’ve done the work to understand who you are in many ways. Your Human Design, Enneagram, astrology, Myers-Briggs—all of it. And yet, this deeper awareness has only scratched the surface. They didn’t pay off the way you thought they would.

  • You see women who have everything you want—the deeply fulfilling (respectful, encouraging, expansive, empowered) relationship, the thriving career, the bank account that makes breathing easier, the effortless magnetism, the chic white homes (because somehow, their kids don’t destroy them?), the opportunities that feel out of reach for you - and you’re genuinely thrilled for them and it pisses you off because you long for it, too.

  • You want to feel free to be fully, authentically you boldly, and unapologetically in every area of your life. But you still haven’t figured out why you haven’t given yourself permission to, so you settle for a life that you’re only partially showing up in.

  • You don’t want to leave this life with regret, and you have big dreams (some you haven’t shared with anyone), but you don’t trust yourself enough to believe that the life you dream of living is actually possible for you. You’ve pushed and stretched, and it’s still not here.

  • You don’t know what else to do. And no, you’re not about to poop your pants or purge in the jungle just to have a transformation (don’t worry, I felt the same way—I’ve got you).

Here’s what happens when you get out of your own way…

  • You become your own healer—so profoundly self-aware that you navigate life’s complexities with clarity and grace. No more outsourcing or dissecting every interaction in a therapy session or overanalyzing with friends after the fact. You respond, not react because you’re anchored in your authenticity and knowing.

  • You stop managing symptoms and start healing at the root. Your self-awareness becomes astounding. You see the matrix you live in and create an entirely new one. The repetitive patterns that once felt like an ongoing storyline are gone. You no longer find yourself asking, “Why is this showing up again? I thought I’d already worked through this.” Instead, you experience a profound internal transformation that has your 3D reality reorganizing itself around your newfound worthiness.

  • This elevated self-awareness unlocks a level of authenticity you never thought possible. You trust yourself—fully, deeply, unshakably. And that trust radiates into every facet of your life. You enter every room, every conversation, every opportunity as the most aligned and soul-embodied version of yourself.

  • You’re no longer unconsciously default manifesting more of what you don’t want. Instead, you become a magnet for what you desire with aligned intention. You’ve entered a new paradigm and live so deliciously different you’d never go back to how you used to live.

I revolutionized the healing industry.

I’m about to share the transformation you’ve been looking for everywhere else.

It’s time to come home to yourself.


Soul Forward Method™

A strategic, proven, and deeply transformative self-healing method designed to work at the soul level—taking you far beyond where traditional modalities fall short and guiding you directly into the expansive, soul-embodied life you were always meant to live. All in just 7 weeks.

Grounded in neuroscience, energetics, hypnosis, and spirituality, Soul Forward Method™ works on every level of your being—conscious mind, subconscious programming, nervous system, emotional energy, and energetic field—guided by your soul. This multi-dimensional approach makes you your own healer through a deeper understanding of your human experience. It allows you to walk back to your soul and bring it forward to lead you into the expansive life you’re meant to live.

Transformations from women who said YES

to Soul Forward Method and never looked back:

“I unearthed clear purpose and profound alignment in my career and relationships.

Heidi's Soul Forward Method was a true awakening for me. Her innate connection to the spiritual realm coupled with her skill in guiding me through the exploration of my thought patterns and beliefs changed how I operate in the world.”

Angela - Energy Medicine Practitioner

“I get to decide in every moment who and how I will be, and the future I am creating is completely in the hands of my soul with my human support.

Working deep in my subconscious and with my soul (higher self) has been a game-changer in every way. Because so much programming has been cleared out, I have SO MUCH CHOICE now. ”

Kristy Krugh - Marketing Strategist

“These tools are unlike anything else I have ever experienced, providing an acceleration of awareness and healing that has forever transformed me and how I approach healing deep emotional and spiritual wounds.

I love having these tools at my fingertips to pick up whenever needed, and knowing that whatever I am addressing, SFM will show me where I need healing.”

Ricci King - Intuitive Astrologer

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Soul Forward Method

  • 7 Weekly Soul Forward Healing Modules—Channeled teachings designed to expand your consciousness and give you the deep context you need for true, lasting self-healing.

  • Strategic, Insight-Based Hypnosis Sessions—Work directly with your subconscious, emotions, nervous system, and energetic field at the same time to create profound shifts—without having to share a word of your story with anyone else. This is you healing you.

  • Expert-Curated & Channeled Hypnosis + Energy Audios—For subconscious reprogramming, energetic alignment, and insight integration so the healing reaches every level of your being.

  • Comprehensive Downloadable Workbooks—Capture your insights and support your integration with Conscious Integration journaling prompts and deep-dive reflections for each module.

  • Lifetime Access—Revisit the teachings, practices, and hypnosis sessions anytime you need them.

  • Exclusive Alumni Access—Upon completion, you’ll be invited into the Soul Forward Integration Membership, a private space to continue deepening your expansion.

    This is the deep, soul-level healing you’ve been searching for.

    And it starts here.

A deeper peek into the Soul Forward Method

How you become the most healed, most authentic you, most embodied you…

(Know that the potency of this program couldn’t possibly be contained in the little boxes below.)

Expect Magic

Module 1: Welcome - Now, let’s begin.

Your healing begins here.

In this first module, you’ll expand your consciousness and deepen your understanding of the relationship between your soul, subconscious, and energy.

Then, through the Energetic Assessment hypnosis audio, you’ll drop into your subconscious and gain undeniable clarity on where your most profound healing needs to begin. This foundational insight sets you up for potent, accelerated transformation in the weeks ahead.

Module 2: Two Timelines -Human Forward or Soul Forward (Your Choice).

The specificity of your Module 1 insight is expanded upon in two timelines: the one you’re currently living on and one of perpetual limitation—if you keep relying on the same healing tools.

Then, you’ll experience something far greater: the life your soul came here to live - the one beyond your current limitations. The one you know is meant for you.

With tools to support your conscious mind, subconscious, nervous system, and energy, you’ll begin aligning with this Soul Forward timeline - now.

Module 3: Empower your Emotional + Energetic Agency (and raise your EQ).

The ability to choose your emotional experience in any moment? That’s power.

In this session, you’ll claim authority over your emotional energy by understanding how your subconscious and nervous system wire emotional responses into your reality. You’ll access the subconscious to learn how to work with emotional energy—so that even when triggers arise, you remain in control of your energetic frequency (which is constantly shaping what you manifest) and your emotional experience in the present moment.

This changes everything.

Module 4: The Power of Perception (how your perception of past experiences has shaped who you are… let’s heal it at the root, shall we?).

This is where you go far beyond anything you’ve tried before.

You’ll pull the thread on what triggers you and step into the vast inner landscape of your subconscious. Here, you’ll reconnect with your inner child, shadow, and soul, healing at the deepest level—through your soul’s own consciousness.

And when the script flips? It flips fast.

You’ll no longer feel lost when a trigger hits. You’ll know exactly what’s happening and how to move through it—because you’re becoming your own healer.

Module 5: Meet Your Soul Saboteur (aka your past, shadow, and inner child).

Imagine the power of truly understanding why you do the things you don’t want to do.

What if you could see yourself—all of you—with complete clarity? What if you could heal the inner battle between your soul and your human, bringing them into harmony instead of dealing with the inner conflict?

This session gives you the space to fall deeply in love with yourself—and when that happens, everything changes. You’ll create so much energetic space within that you’ll fill it only with what you want. And because of that? You’ll start default manifesting more of it. (Hot damn.)

Module 6: Identity, Worth, and Forgiveness (who you are right now has a lot to do with other people).

Your identity and sense of worth have been shaped by those who influenced you the most. But who would you be if that experience had never imprinted itself on you?

What if you were still living in worthiness—instead of feeling separated from it by everything you’ve been through?

This session takes you deeper into soul-level healing, freeing you from the weight of external influences and raising your consciousness around the human experience. And once again, you’ll create even more space within yourself and your energy—space you’ll get to fill with exactly what you dream of.

Module 7: The Empowerment Session (where you go from here - hint: it’s way up).

After six weeks of deep, soul-level healing, you don’t see or experience the world the same way anymore. You’ve reached a level of authenticity and alignment you couldn’t have imagined before.

You’ve evolved, pivoted, elevated, and expanded. You’re now stabilizing frequencies of energy and timelines you once didn’t have the capacity to hold.

And now? It’s time to step fully into your Soul Forward reality. This is where you set yourself up to arrive in the life that’s waiting for you.

I was about to turn 40.

I’d been married for almost 10 years, had a three-year-old and a six-year-old, and a couple of businesses my heart wasn’t in, and I felt like I was dying on the inside.

My “crying on the bathroom floor” moments were actually on the kitchen floor (but who cares where it was happening, because it was happening, you know?). I was coming to the end of myself after doing “everything right.” I felt like I was on the side of a mountain and came to realize there was a different one I was meant to be on.

I had to change everything because I’d ignored the whispers of my soul for so long. I had to do the work of walking back down the mountain I’d chosen to climb (because of my childhood, religion, scarcity, and lack-of-worthiness programming) and find my way to the one I was meant to climb next.

I had to accept that I’d created my reality and that I would have to be the one to change it.

And I did.

I divorced beautifully, and I became the mother I never could have been if I’d stayed on that mountain. I left my role as co-owner of the businesses I owned with my ex-husband and found my way to the work my soul came here to do. I also manifested the most profound love in my fiance. All of these changes (and the decades that led up to them) led me to become who I am today…

I’m Heidi Hazen, Master Hypnotist, Healing Channel, and creator of the Soul Forward Method™

I’m the one you come to when you’ve tried everything to heal, get unstuck, and manifest the life you know you’re meant to live, but somehow, the tools and modalities you’ve used haven’t taken you all the way there. You’ve done the work, yet you’re still not fully living the life you dream of.

That’s where Soul Forward Method comes in.

It’s where I bridge my spiritual gifts and human training to demystify healing, consciousness, soul evolution, ascension, and manifestation—so you can stop managing symptoms of the past and start actually healing at the root. This isn’t about endlessly revisiting old wounds. It’s about healing them and integrating the wisdom within them to fully stepinto the life your soul came here to live.

Soul Forward Method™ is what I wish I’d had at the start of my healing journey more than 25 years ago. Now, I get to share it with those who know—deep down—that they’re here for more.


More messages of Soul Forward Method transformation:

“I have the ability to reclaim every part of myself so that I can live the beautiful life that was intended for me all along.

I have a new frame of reference on how I can navigate my life which is so empowering. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't mention Heidi’s work, as it is profound.”

Stacey - Beauty Ceremony Healer

“SFM allowed me to go into the deepest parts of my subconscious mind to find and heal core wounds.

Heidi’s work and her beautiful soul awakened mine...LITERALLY! SFM has changed the trajectory of my life!”

Jules - Founder: Soul Center

“I now love myself completely.

I haven’t loved myself this much and haven’t had this much compassion for myself before. I finally got to the root issues of what was holding me down and back from my full worth. I now see and own my worth.”

Lisa - Holistic Esthetician

“The ability to understand what needed to be healed rather than get sucked into the emotional grief and get stuck in it has been so powerful.

Soul Forward Method is the most unique experience you'll have in connecting with your soul and your highest self. It has truly opened up so many doors to healing and integration I didn't realize existed. It's definitely worth every ounce of time/effort/money invested.”


Soul Forward Method is the next-level healing program you’re looking for if…

  • You know deep down, even if you’ve kept it quiet, that you’re meant for more. More expansion, more abundance, more alignment. Your impact and legacy depend on it. And the thought of settling for the way things are now in your life, marriage, relationships, career, parenting, or finances… makes your chest tighten. It's like you’re shrinking when you were meant to expand. You’re ready to live from your worth—not occasionally, but all day, every day.

  • You’ve checked all the healing boxes. Therapy. Somatics. Breathwork. Plants. Retreats. Healers. Manifestation programs. And while they helped some, they didn’t take you all the way. You’ve found yourself wondering, That’s it? What am I supposed to lean into next because this isn’t enough?

  • You’re done waiting for some external shift to magically change things for you. You’re ready to take ownership and radical responsibility for your life and finally create the transformation you know you’re capable of.

  • You’re willing to show up and do the work because you’ve already done a ton of it and because nothing feels scarier than the thought of leaving this life with regret that you never fully lived it. You’re ready to go all in on yourself.

  • You’re ready for something different, proven, and profoundly transformative—so you can finally be who you came here to be, do what you came here to do, and have what you came here to have.

  • You want to experience what my clients have—women who, like you, spent years in therapy, energy work, and manifestation programs… only to realize they could have saved so much time if they had just done this first.

This is your moment. Let’s go.

How you know now is the right time to experience Soul Forward Method:

You’re not exactly where you want to be in life, and everything you’ve already done to heal or manifest has only brought you to where you are right now. It isn’t far enough because you’re not living the life you dream of yet. You’re still dealing with things that you thought you were passed (like when your inner child shows up, and you thought you’d healed her already, or when you’re triggered by the same things over and over again, or when you change who you are in some of your relationships because you don’t feel like you can show up authentically).

In order to get to where you’re meant to be, you

need new healing tools.

Soul Forward Method will give you transformative healing tools and

take you to where you were always meant to be but haven’t been yet.

You’ll find your soul and bring it forward.

Your most powerful investment.

Where the dividends payout for the rest of your life.

Here’s what’s included when you sign up:

The 7-Module Soul Forward Method Course ($5000 Value)


(these bonus resources and tools you’ll actually use in your new Soul Forward way of living):

The “Core Collection” of subconscious reprogramming self-hypnosis activation audios

($572 Value)

The Soul Guided Quantum Manifestation Workshop

($297 Value)

Bonus Workshop: Calming the Nervous System for Hypnosis with Certified Energy Healer Angela Goodstein

($97 Value)

8 weeks of live support from me in the weekly group Soul Forward Method Q&A Guidance Sessions

($6000 Value)

For a total value of $11,966

But you get it all for $2497 PIF

(for a limited time get a Reflection Session ($222 value) on me when you pay in full!)

There’s also a payment plan available (so you don’t have to put your healing on hold)!

3 monthly payments of: $873


6 monthly payments of: $437

There’s also a 13-day Money Back Guarantee.

You can explore the first two modules and experience the program firsthand. If it doesn't meet your expectations and you decide to leave the program, simply submit your completed PDF worksheets for both modules by 5:00 pm PST on your 13th day in the program, and we'll refund your payment.

Beautiful Soul, I know you hear me speaking to you through the layers of your human experience. I know you want to come forward, but we’ve got to get your human onboard. If what you’ve read resonates - show your human self that this is the work and now is the time. Line your daily path with synchronicities, signs, miracles, and intuitive pings to lean into this powerful self-healing work. This is how we begin working together to heal what needs to be healed and bring you forward within your human experience.