3 Things We Need In Order to Manifest Something


3 Things We Need In Alignment In Order To Start Manifesting

[Video Transcript]

In order for us to manifest and move ourselves forward in the direction that we want to go with ease. We need three things in place, and those three things are: conscious intention, subconscious programming supporting that intention, and our energy. 

All three of these components need to be in alignment with each other so that everything is going in the same direction.

Conscious Intention

So imagine a clock, and on this clock there are three hands; like the hour hand, the minute hand, the second hand. Let's say the hour hand is your conscious intention, and you have aimed that at 12 o'clock, so true north, it's 12 o'clock, this is where we're headed, this is what I want to do.  It's lose weight or make more money, or believe in ourselves more or change this habit or whatever it is, whatever that conscious intention is, let's say that it's aimed at 12 o'clock.

Subconscious Programming

Now, when we access the consciousness, when we're in a conscious state, we are not asleep and we are awake and we are using our mind and we're problem-solving and doing all these things with our analytical mind, that is only 5% of your mind. It's very, very tiny. The powerhouse is the subconscious and the subconscious and unconscious. The unconscious is your body's consciousness.

So these, you cannot access them from the conscious state. So you have all of these programs and beliefs and habits and patterns of programming in your subconscious, and most of that is developed between zero and eight years old, in your formative years. And you have programs in place that have allowed you to get where you are right now, perhaps no further.

And that can be very, very frustrating because you're trying to go to 12 o'clock. You're trying to go and do this thing, but you keep getting pulled in this direction, in that direction, you can't seem to make any headway. And that is because there are subconscious programs in place that do not line up with where you are trying to go consciously.

So that needle, that hand of the clock is the minute hand, let's say that it's pointed towards like between six and seven on the face of this clock. Well, you have two things happening: consciously, you're trying to go this direction, but subconsciously (which is more powerful than your conscious) is pulling you this way, you have resistance. You are going nowhere fast because we have to get this subconscious programming into alignment with your conscious intention.

Your Energy

The third thing is your energy. We are energetic beings. Like all of life is an exchange of energy. Our energetic body, our energetic being is highly influenced by the subconscious programming so we can hack it. Absolutely, and that is something that I teach because I want to equip people to understand that you can actually shift your energy like this.

So my programming, my subconscious programming may keep my energy kind of in this buzzy state over here of scarcity and lack which aligns with my subconscious programming that's aimed over here between 6 and 7:00 pm. And it's not an alignment with where I'm going. I don't want to feel like this. I want to feel like, yeah, we're doing this, and it's amazing, and it's abundant and it's whatever.

So we can shift it with our conscious mind. And that is why I'm teaching energetic agency, that is what I want, that is part of what I'm on the planet to do. But we've got to access the subconscious butthole. We got to access that guy and bring him over here so he's in alignment. Well, how do we do that? Well, hypnosis is how we do it.

Hypnosis is literally just a heightened state of awareness. And that allows you to focus on one thing, so it takes all of your consciousness and it focuses it on one thing. Generally, it's the sound of your hypnotist's voice. And by relaxing and being willing to go into this state, we go down from the conscious state, we go down and we meet with what is basically, I call it the bodyguard of the subconscious.

You have a piece in place and that is your critical factor, and the critical factor is like this bodyguard who's like, “Hey, you can't be coming here with these new ideas because we don't have those kind of ideas in here, we don't believe that kind of thing.” Because your critical factor wants to protect the beliefs and the programs that are in place, because when they were formed in your childhood, your subconscious formed your beliefs and everything in a way that made you feel safe.

Now they (those beliefs) are probably too small. A lot of them are beautiful, but some of them might feel like wearing something that's very, very small. It's limiting. It is keeping you small. You cannot be the fullest version of yourself. You can't access all of yourself.

So we've got hypnosis, which allows us to go to that critical factor, that bodyguard and pay him off, give him like a break. He goes over there and gets his break and allows us to access the subconscious. Then we can go in and we can see like, oh my gosh, like working with a hypnotist would allow you to go in and actually remove and dismantle some of these old programs and figure out like, oh, this is why they were in place.

Well, that doesn't make any sense anymore because we grew up and we don't need that. But working with hypnosis audios allow you to have like a hypnotist in your pocket. And what we do in these audios is that we go into the subconscious space and we see that the other programs are there, but we install new ones. So the old ones are there, but we are going to give energy to, by being in the subconscious space and aligning your energy with the conscious intention in the subconscious. And we create these new programs, so they compete with the existing programs.

And the more that you want to align with this, the more dedicated you are to taking agency of your energy and pulling that into alignment with that conscious thing, and then listening to these audios, which fire up that new program. And the more that you fire up that new program, the more that you are wiring that new neural pathway to create the new belief.

So it's allowing us to bring all three hands into alignment facing the same direction so that you can actually move yourself forward. If you are not accessing the subconscious, the steps and the progress that you are going to make using just your limited conscious mind, you will move forward, it's just going to be really, really slow.

So why not access the 95% of your mind that is influencing the conscious anyway and do the work in the place where it is most powerful and bring into alignment the energetic piece?

And because the law of attraction states that like attracts like, as you are in the energetic frequency of what it is you are trying to create and manifest for yourself and your life, you are upping the ante. This is the trifecta; conscious intention, subconscious programming in alignment with that conscious intention, and your energy aligned with those two things.

So all of it is like this beautiful triune, we're facing it all the same direction to move you forward in the direction that you want to be going.


PODCAST: The Elegant Warrior, Episode 221


Self Hypnosis Vs Working With a Hypnotist