Hypnosis + Energetics

If you’re new to my signature Soul Forward Method spiritual-energetic hypnotherapy offerings, this page is the perfect place to find out what’s best for where you’re at right now.


The Self-Guided Experience

If you’re ready to experience the deep impact of my work, you’re looking for The Soul Forward Method: The Self-Guided Experience.

In this self-paced DIY experience that includes weekly access to my support), you'll dive into the strategic, holistic, multidimensional, and transformational healing process I've refined over the years with my clients. This digital course goes beyond conventional, conscious-based healing and manifestation methods, tapping you into your subconscious, nervous system, emotions, and energetic field to radically shift your perception of life and heal what's keeping you from living the life that exists on the other side of your limitations. 

This version of the program is perfect for you if you want potent, practical, strategic, and proven healing work that’s deeper and more comprehensive than what you’ve already experienced with the work you’ve done in therapy, coaching, manifestation, plant medicine, and other healing modalities. 

Commitment: 7 - 2-3 hour modules (each including hypnotherapy) done on your schedule and at your own pace.

Benefits: An entire online program bursting with teachings for conscious expansion and understanding, deep, strategic, spiritual-energetic hypnotherapy sessions, a library of self-hypnosis audios for integration, and workbooks for each module. Self-paced, and you keep everything forever. You also have 8-weekly group sessions where you have access to my support as you make your way through your most transformative healing.

Investment: $2,497

Love for the Soul Forward Method

(previously known as The Gathering)


If you’re ready for the deepest level of transformation of Soul Forward Method with my undivided attention and energy, you’ll want to work with me in my signature 1:1 Soul Forward Method program: The Journey. This is my highest-touch, closest proximity, and bespoke offering limited to 6 committed women annually.

If you're someone with significant influence and a deep desire to make a real impact on the world, but you're feeling like you’re running out of options despite trying everything, and you're ready to do the real work, then this is the place for you.

It’s potent, powerful, and profoundly transformative.  

Commitment: 10 - 1:1 virtual sessions with Heidi over a 3-month period.

Benefits: The most transformative and personalized healing program, 1:1 with a healing channel and certified master hypnotist (Heidi).

Investment: $15,000

Love for The Journey


When you’re looking for help seeing what you can’t see in yourself, the Reflection Session gives you my intuitive and channeled insights into where you’re at and the best way to move forward.

Each session is 60 minutes long, and you’ll have 1:1 access to me in this bespoke session dedicated to your self-awareness, personal growth, and personal development journey. Reflection Sessions are not hypnotherapy but rather rooted in the conscious and energy realms to offer you direction in showing you where you aren’t in Soul Forward alignment and how to get there.

Within these sessions, I reflect to you what’s in your blind spots. I’ll offer intuitive and channeled guidance as we explore where you’re at in your healing and personal development and what needs to happen to move forward in the direction your soul wants to go.

Commitment: 1 - 60 minute session

Benefits: Personalized guidance in a 1:1 session with Heidi, recorded session so you can listen anytime, no long-term commitment, and understanding of how to continue your personal growth.

Investment: $222


(the one that’s beyond the limitations you currently have in place).

*The library of self-hypnosis audios is currently getting a glow-up but will return in newness this year.

Sign up for my weekly newsletter, “The Edit,” through the button below to be among the first to know when these babies come back.

Love for Hypnosis Audios

If you still have questions about what’s right for you for where you are in your personal development and healing journey, contact me. If you have questions about hypnosis or hypnotherapy, you may find the answers you are looking for on my hypnosis FAQs page.

You can find more resources on hypnotherapy, hypnosis, and personal development on my blog.