Lindsay N., RN

Heidi is magic. When she teaches, it's like divine light just rolls out of her. She’s no-nonsense and the kindest, most supportive person you will meet. 

Every session had a million 'ah-hah' moments for me. The whole experience of The Gathering is one of support, curiosity, and love.

The Gathering is a window into your soul. You will go places that you never imagined and come away with insight and tools that will forever change your life for the better. Heidi is there with support at every turn. 

Working in the subconscious has caused the biggest shifts!

As a result of this work, I feel myself living in a higher vibration. Things that would normally bother me don't anymore. I feel like I deal with the twists and turns of life in a much more resilient way. 

The fresh perspective I gained through The Gathering has made a profound impact on my daily life, and I’ve realized that the only one holding me back is ME.

I now have the power to change my emotional energy at any time. I don't have to be feeling stressed, anxious, and angry, I can just choose to feel peaceful and emanate love. This is so empowering and IT WORKS. 

My career felt stagnant and soul sucking. I knew there was something more for me out there but was having trouble with the self-confidence to get out there and actually do it. My shift in perspective helped me to break down a wall that I built out of fear. After knocking it down, I was able to PASS my final skills assessment for my health coaching program. This was something that had been weighing me down for months and felt unsurmountable.


Lisa Cemo, Acupuncturist & Holistic Esthetician 


Chetan B.