Brie B.

I want to send everyone I love to Heidi for hypnosis. do yourself a favor and just do it! throughout the five weeks of doing our sessions, I noticed little changes in my behavior and mostly an overall softening (which my husband pointed out, too). the weeks following I’ve continued to notice changes - small things like doing the bedtime routine I’ve wanted to implement for years, starting to wake earlier for alone time as a gift to myself before my husband and child wake (also something I’ve wanted to do for years), starting to enjoy time in the kitchen which has for so long been a battle for me, and more. there is more of an ease and flow with life unfolding these weeks after wrapping our sessions. if you’re hesitating on hypnosis but you hear a small voice calling you toward it, listen to that small voice. Heidi is truly gifted at what she does here, and she is just the safest space for it.

p.s. the AMAZING personal audio file she gives you when you’re finished is like Abraham Hicks on crack - I. F*CKING. LOVE. IT. I listen to it multiple times a day since I’ve received it - sets a positive, receptive tone for my whole day.


Jamie Y.


Marlena M.