Ellie Anderson, Real Estate Agent

“I loved The Journey. Heidi takes you to where you want to go, and I believe where you are meant to go, and you’re able to go into your subconscious mind and truly, deeply, completely heal at a mind, body, and soul level.

It's amazing and life changing.

It's been tremendously helpful in learning how to energetically and completely clear some past pain.

I was able to heal on a deeper level.

By doing the work in hypnosis, I can FEEL some of the emotions neutralizing. I'm no longer as triggered, and more aware when I am.

I’ve done a ton of traditional counseling as well as a lot of self studying with books, podcasts and journaling. This was different, because while I am conscious of the problems and a lot of the “whys” from my childhood and life, I was able to connect with my inner child and heal in a different frequency.

When you heal and work through the problems in hypnosis it’s a deeper, more whole healing.

It honestly FEELS different than anything before. It’s alchemizing and dissipating energy that’s rooted and stored in our body in a different way. It's amazing!

I’m more clear and I FEEL more healed.

It’s set me up for my entire life journey with tools to stay in alignment and live my best life. What an amazing gift!

I love Heidi. She is such a special human with an amazing gift. She’s able to clearly see and explain what's going on in a way that is easy to understand. I loved working with her. She is a wealth of knowledge and has the tools to help you access deep healing and exciting breakthroughs for a bright future.

I would recommend Heidi and The Journey to anyone and everyone I know.”


Ricci King, Intuitive Astrologer


Angela G.