Stacey Lum, The Facial + Beauty Healer + Licensed Esthetician

The Journey is a deeply impactful healing experience that takes you back to your innermost self. To who you were before anyone told you how or who to be. It is the journey of becoming, remembering, reclaiming, and embodying your light and power in integrity. 

It is like taking the blindfold off for the first time.

Through the past six years of my deep healing work, this has been the most profound and will forever remain in the seat of my soul as a human experience that embodies the highest part of me, which I am now able to see.

This powerful work has weaved into my life in so many facets, and it's changed the way I live. I discovered who I really was underneath the narrative I'd told myself that I believed to be true. I saw myself without conditions.

I'm now able to see my core wounds without shame. I can immediately witness when I have become dysregulated in my emotions and can shift my thoughts or perceptions in order to take agency over all my emotions without blaming others. I'm able to see myself in a new way and live my life attuned to my energy, my emotions, and my thoughts, and how to shift these states of being into a much higher perspective.

I think what was most powerful for me in this journey was that I was able to switch the narrative. I was able to reframe the story of who I thought I was. I have a new frame of reference on how now I can navigate my life. I can take a step back and look at myself, and the younger version of myself, and all that I experienced - and from this place, I can see that literally the blindfold has been taken off.

I'm able to release what's not meant for me by clearing out subconscious beliefs and completely changing the narrative of my story. I'm able to shift and change my behavior in the moment of noticing the old behavior patterns that used to override my thoughts. 

I LOVE Heidi's work. She is a sage, and I'm so grateful to have her as a beloved teacher and friend. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't mention her work, as it is profound. She has shown me that I have the ability to reclaim every part of myself so that I can live the beautiful life that was intended for me all along.


Angela G.


Lisa Cemo, Acupuncturist & Holistic Esthetician