Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose Blog Header Image - Heidi in the Painted Hills

A friend recently asked me how I aligned myself with my purpose.

My response was that I released my resistance.

Finding My Purpose

To find my purpose I had to learn how to release the grip on beliefs I'd had around many things: my worth, lovability, being a burden, my dreams, abilities, and gifts, and whether or not I was allowed to have them.

Finding Purpose Through “Yeses”

I realized the answer to my friend's question wasn’t about the steps I took or the plan I’d had about becoming X, Y, Z... (because never in my life did I aspire to be a hypnotist), but the answer was that it's been an organic journey of following the "yeses" to the next right thing. I was led the entire way. 

I’m not at the end - I don’t feel at all like this is what I’m meant to do forever - this is the now part - and as I align myself with the present moment and allow myself to be exactly where I am I’m in flow. Inevitably I will move beyond where I am right now, but not until I’ve given and received everything I’m meant to in this season.

Heidi Hazen walking in outdoor landscape

When I look at how I was facing an entirely different direction in my 11-year stint as co-owner of The Last Bookstore compared to the direction of the work I do now, it feels like I’ve been in a fast pivot the last few years. I had to release a lot, and trust enormously, that shifting away from the old career into something completely different was the right move.

These past few years have felt like being fast-tracked on the path I was meant to be on. I don’t feel like I’m “late” or “behind,” but I see the expedited, evolutionary pace of my life and career since leaving the bookstore; and all of it has been the result of my releasing resistance and a consistent flow of yeses.

My First “Yes” - Releasing Limiting Beliefs

My first "yes" after leaving the bookstore was learning to read Human Design. When I initially learned about my own Human Design it had a huge impact on my life and I felt led to help others understand this part of themselves, too. But very quickly I knew there was more for me and my purpose was bigger than just reading Human Design. I had to release a lot of beliefs around becoming an HD reader because it was different, esoteric, and “new age-y.”  

Through culling out limiting beliefs around “what people think” of me or the work I was doing - I created space to call in more opportunities and things that were in alignment with who I am. As a result, I grew into my gifts as a reader because I'd created space for them.

Through this process of releasing, my awareness was expanding beyond the confines of what I grew up believing was “acceptable” and “appropriate” and would keep me seen as “good” and as a result of this releasing I became comfortable asking "what's next?" 

I had this feeling in my soul that there was more. I felt led to not build a permanent foundation and stop at Human Design, but to keep my eyes on the horizon and stay mentally and energetically in that beautiful space of “yes, and…"

Heidi looking ahead toward what's next in mountainous landscape

Asking “What’s Next?”

I was guided briefly to learn Shamanism and had some profound experiences in that time but knew that it wasn’t what I was meant to dive into. 

I just kept opening myself up to what was next. I wasn’t headed towards any specific modality, I just knew I wanted to legitimately help people heal and have a lasting, positive impact on humanity. 

One day I simply said, “Show me what’s next. Human Design isn’t enough. I know I want to work with the mind but I’m not going back to school for years to become a therapist, I’m not meant to do traditional. Please show me what it is.”

Minutes later I opened YouTube to listen to a song while I journaled and an ad came up about hypnotism and it was my answer. Within days I’d been interviewed and accepted into the training program that started the next week. 

Within that training, I found the most profound and legitimately helpful healing modality I’d ever encountered, yet I know it’s just part of my journey and not the end, too. 

Each of the things I’m led to adds to my knowledge and toolbox and it’s in integrating them that I’m finding what I need in order to live a life aligned with my authenticity, which is my purpose. 

Finding Purpose Doesn’t End - It’s A Journey

Heidi On Her Journey of Finding Purpose

I set up a tent at each new modality and stay only as long as I’m led to. Each new thing I learn is another swipe of color on the canvas of the masterpiece that is my life.

I don’t think there's an “end” to my seeking or that I’ll ever feel like I’m setting up a permanent residence in any modality or career. Life is too full of things to explore for me to ever stop.

I’ve already leaned into two new things that I’ve been led to since finding hypnosis

In December I received my Reiki I & II certification. I trained in that to enhance and support my work as a hypnotist and to infuse into the new tool I’m creating from the culmination of things I’ve learned along my way.

And it’s all because I stopped being resistant to what I was being led to, what I wanted, and who I felt I was meant to be. In identifying, healing, and releasing my resistance I’ve found my purpose which has allowed me to create ways to help others find theirs.


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