Face Kisses - A Story About The Power of Emotional Energy

Exercise that helped me to change my emotional energy

The Power Of Emotional Energy

My life changed forever in April of 2018 at a creativity workshop hosted by Martha Beck and Liz Gilbert in Scottsdale, AZ.

One afternoon Martha had us do an exercise.  She had us think of a time when we knew we were feeling love, like there was no doubt that we were receiving love.  She offered suggestions: when you get a hug from your mom or your partner, when your pet curls up on your lap or feet, when you’re holding your child etc. It’s a memory of when you aren’t earning love, it’s just present and you’re receiving it.

A memory quickly came to mind: when my son Soren was a baby I would kiss him all over his face really quickly and one day when he was a year old I put him on the kitchen counter so we were face to face; he took my face in his hands and started to kiss me the way I would kiss him.  But because he was so young - those kisses were adorably slow and uncoordinated, but the love was there.  Here was this little person giving back to me what I gave to him because it feels so good he wanted me to have it, too.

Martha had us close our eyes and feel this love as strongly as we could.  She was teaching us that we have access and the ability to bring this feeling into any moment we wanted to. She showed us that we could change our energetic frequency to this feeling whenever we wanted to, that it’s as simple as recalling a memory and being in that feeling.  I didn’t know it at the time but this simple exercise became the catalyst for massive change in my life.

What she was teaching was coherence between heart, brain, and energy.  It was along the same lines of coherence that Dr. Joe Dispenza has brought to life through his work, research, books, teachings, and gatherings. This little exercise from Martha is backed by science but I didn’t know that at the time.

Face Kisses Memory Used To Harness Love Energy

The day I learned this from Martha I wrote “face kisses” on a 3x5 card and put it on my nightstand. From that day forward the first thing I would do each morning was look at that card and call up that memory and the feeling that it brought with it and I’d sit in that feeling for a few minutes. The only reason I was doing it was because it felt so good, I had no idea the impact it would have. 

It became the cornerstone of the abundant and aligned life I ended up creating for myself.

Love Energy

My relationship to love at that point was understanding it to be something that came and went in interactions with others, not as something that could be consciously created at will with such dramatic effects.

I intentionally began each day in a state of love - in a beautiful state of energetic coherence within myself.  In the beginning, that love-residue would last a few minutes beyond those intentional moments of holding myself in it… but as the months passed I found that not only did it last for hours at a time, but that I could pull it up at will throughout the day. It became easier and easier to move into alignment with love energy.

It’s been 3 years now of having this as a regular part of my morning and I can say that I generally live now from a place of coherent, abundant love, and I occasionally slip out of it into other feelings, but living in harmonious love is my default setting now.  This is pretty radical because when I learned this technique I was living in a default setting of sadness, lack, anxiety, depression, and victimhood - way down at the other end of the energetic spectrum.

Being Aware Of Our Emotional Energy

This little exercise opened up my understanding of how we exist as energetic beings.  Over the years I’ve learned so much from Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, and others, but it was my own experience with this face kisses routine that I learned firsthand how powerful it is to be aware of our emotional energy and the incredible power we have to intentionally shift it to where we want it to be. 

We have the power to change our own life by stepping into a place of authority over our emotional energy.  When we make an intentional effort to shift our emotional energy towards what we want to be experiencing, we experience it, and in doing that we’re setting the intention for our own life in the future.

When we allow external circumstances to be in the thing that indicates how we’re going to feel, we’re giving up control of our energy and that’s a scary place to be when you realize how important our emotional energy truly is.

Changing Our Emotional Energy

I don’t want to live a passive life.  I don’t want life to be something that happens to me. I want to create my life and the one I want (and the one I have) is one that’s abundant in health, love, beauty, wealth, and purpose.

This experience I had with love is what set me on my path to understanding emotional energy.  It led me to study Human Design and begin reading charts. It’s woven into my work as a hypnotist. It’s an integral part of the hypnosis audios.

Everything I do or create comes from a genuine place of wanting to return people to the driver’s seat of their own life, to help them take control of their internal emotional landscape, and change their subconscious programming so that they may choose how to respond to their circumstances which makes it so much easier to take control of their emotional energy.  

Changing your emotional energy is one of the most profound ways to move into alignment with the life you’re meant to be living. 

If you are looking for help in transforming your emotional energy, I’ve created self-guided hypnosis audios to help bring you into alignment with the life you are meant to be living. View the full audio library here.


Finding Purpose


Aligning Our Energetic Agreements