Model of the Mind

Understanding how your mind functions is an enormous gift in equipping you to make changes that support you. It allows you to do the work of healing, unblocking, upleveling, and radically changing your life in the place it’s going to have the biggest impact… your subconscious.

You store every moment of your waking life in your subconscious mind. It’s infinite in size and capable of expanding with every moment that you live. But your conscious mind is only aware of a small amount of information at any time. 

Your Conscious Mind is…

  • 5-10% of your mind

  • Responsible for rational, analytical, and critical thinking

  • Finite in size and is only aware of 7-9 bits of information at any given moment

  • Where your short-term memories live

This is the tip of the iceberg that is your life.

So if you’re consciously aware of the surface you’re sitting on, the air conditioning blowing cool air, the music you’re hearing, and the bird outside, and that it’s nearing sunset, and you’re typing on your computer, and your nose itches...your conscious mind is aware or attuned to those things all at the same time. If the doorbell rings, one of the things you’re aware of gets kicked out so that you have room to be aware of the doorbell ringing.  

It’s a finite space. And it’s directly influenced by…

Your Subconscious Mind, which…

  • Makes up 90-95% of your mind (along with the unconscious mind)

  • Is where your beliefs, emotions, and habits are stored, along with your long-term memories

  • Creates your recurring thoughts, limiting beliefs, and behaviors based on what you experience consciously

  • Is infinite in size

  • Is where your personality is created

  • Is programmed to protect you, soothe you

But it’s the inner child it’s still protecting, and you’ve grown up.

The last part?

Your Unconscious Mind, which is…

  • Where your Feelings live (which were created by the meaning your subconscious attached to what you just experienced consciously)

  • Your Body’s Consciousness

  • Automatic

  • Responsible for your heartbeat, breathing, digestion, immune system, all the functions you never have to think about

When you understand how the mind works you’re able to make the right changes in the right places and move yourself forward.

Why your subconscious is the key…

Everything you’re aware of is being stored as a constant flow of data streaming into your subconscious space, where it is stored indefinitely. And everything you experience is given meaning in your subconscious. This is where, as a child, you created false and limiting beliefs about what it meant when you were ignored, or abandoned, or your dad didn’t give you a cookie, or your dad did give you a cookie. Your subconscious is irrational, it just wants to set you up to behave in a way that keeps you feeling safe. But if you’re feeling stuck, or you can’t break a habit, or you can’t manifest the life you want to be living, it’s because there are beliefs within your subconscious that no longer serve you. You’ve outgrown them.

But you don’t have access to the subconscious space from your consciousness.  They’re separate.

So you can’t just consciously decide you’re not going to be XYZ anymore and have it stick, because your subconscious means business. It was created with these beliefs in place. It’s built this way from the foundation up, with scaffolding in place to keep you functioning exactly this way… this way that keeps your inner child who lived through everything she lived through feeling safe and secure.   

As an adult, it may seem ridiculous that you’re still repeating the same patterns from the past, ones that clearly don’t serve you any longer, but you can’t seem to entirely break free of them.

Trying to fix them using conscious tools is a lovely effort, but it has you working from a very limited part of your mind and only with the symptoms. There’s a better, more effective way of changing these patterns by going into where they exist and dealing with the root, not just the symptoms.

Within your subconscious mind, you can really heal.

You can change your entire life when you do the work from the inside out instead of the outside in.

Understanding the model of the mind

PODCAST: Human Design & Hypnosis for Transformation


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