A Session of The Gathering (Now the Soul Forward Method): Shape Shifting Through Healing Work


A Session of The Gathering (Now the Soul Forward Method): Shape Shifting through Healing Work

This is a snippet from one of the sessions of The Gathering, now known as the Soul Forward Method: Group Experience. You can learn more and sign up to join Heidi in The Soul Forward Method: Group Experience here.

[Video Transcript]

Speaker: Profound shifts, feeling very, very different.

Heidi: Good. This healing work is deep and transformative because we don’t pussyfoot around. Like I’m not here to clear out things, things shift. We're like energetic shapeshifters. 

So, if you've been living a certain way, you know, with these things sort of hidden behind you and your past and not really recognizing that they still have an influence on you. And then you suddenly recognize, “oh, gosh, that's there” or “I thought I dealt with this in therapy. I haven't thought about this in decades.” Then we go in and do this subconscious work.

We discover, “oh, the root of this is still here.”  When we unroot those things, where you’ve lived and your socioeconomic status, and your race and your religion and this is how you’ve been operating.

You've been going through life like this. And then you do some work that has you suddenly, like round off somewhere. Let's say you change shape. And suddenly you don't have this whole area over here. This whole thing is gone because you have healed it. 

Now you're soft here. Well, that changes everything for every person who knows you energetically and as a person in this form. They have to get used to you in this form. And you have to get used to you in this form. So it's constantly changing.

I shifted from being kind of this like, black rectangle that I identified myself with in my teens and 20s. Maybe even into my 30s I identified as this black bar. Now, I'm this multifaceted, 12 point, like crazy, iridescent star. So, the people that were used to me being this shape are very uncomfortable with me in this shape. And I had to become comfortable in this shape. 

It didn't go from this to this. It morphed into all these different shapes on the way to here. 

But we're like these energetic shapeshifters as we heal, so I love that you're having both because we can't have one without the other. I mean, you are going to have some hard, hard realizations to see stuff come up that you're like, “Man, I don't want to look at that.”

But these are the very things that we have hidden away from ourselves that we don't want to deal with. That's why so many people remain stuck in their human story. We get tangled up in the circumstances and where we're at financially with the stuff.  We tell ourselves in our self talk in our mind, we get tangled up in that. 

So, in order to look at it and move beyond it, we have to address it in order to release ourselves from it. 

Like, if you have a knot in your necklace then you might be able to like just, you know, intuitively not even look at it and work that knot out. But, you're going to move faster if you recognize that there's a knot and you don't have the length you need in the necklace because there's this big knot. You give it your attention and you're just slowly starting to pull apart these little pieces.

But it takes your attention and your awareness on this thing. Then suddenly, it's got to unravel. This work, this healing work is deep and transformative because we don't pussyfoot around. 

I'm not here to make you feel soft and comfortable in your shit. That is not my role. 

That's my sole role. You guys, I'm a contractor. I actually live and work on the other side of the veil. I'm just here on contract and I'm here to remind you of what you have forgotten so that you can come into alignment with what you are meant to be doing here. So you can become untethered from the human story and live more identified as your soul and from your worth. So that we can all move forward. This is how we change, and change not only our own lives but humanity.


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