Missy O.

I’ve learned to evaluate situations with a perspective I didn’t have before. I’ve learned so much about myself that I have spent years trying to understand and heal in therapy. I wish this were more cohesive, but how do you describe when your life has been altered forever? Before Soul Forward Method, everything I had known was changing, and I felt like I was taking giant steps backward in life. I felt lost and without much direction or hope for where I was at. I truly feel like a different person because of this program. I have stopped carrying the burdens that are not mine to carry. I love myself and those around me more freely. I’ve learned to accept where I’m at and take ownership of it while simultaneously owning where I want to go. Soul Forward Method has changed my life. There are no words to describe how my life has shifted, and I know it will continue to shift because of this experience. I have learned what it feels like to truly love and embrace who I am and who I was.  How do you describe the gift of truly loving yourself and your path (mine was not always pretty or easy) when, unless you have experienced this kind of transformation yourself, it seems unimaginable? Soul Forward Method has been unlike anything I have experienced before. 


Elif Koyutürk, Artist, Film Director, Photographer


Katherine D., Artist