Katherine D., Artist

In comparison to other modalities I've explored such as therapy, counseling, and hypnosis, Soul Forward Method stands out in several ways: It facilitates a deeper and more profound connection with the soul, allowing for exploration and healing at profound levels. And it provides tools that effectively bypass the defenses of the subconscious mind, allowing for deeper work without interference from the "bodyguard" mechanisms. Soul Forward Method is a transformative journey of soul integration and nervous system expansion. If you've tried various healing modalities but still feel disconnected from the life you envision for yourself, I urge you to consider investing your time and money in exploring the Soul Forward Method. It could be the transformative step you've been seeking towards living the life you truly desire. Before experiencing SFM, my life was in a state of transition. I was deeply engaged in self-exploration, shedding identities that no longer aligned with my growth and delving into authentically expressing myself in various aspects of life. My focus was on becoming fully resourced and grounded in my true identity. In going through SFM I’ve developed a profound trust in inspired actions and learned to act upon them almost immediately. I’ve strengthened my connection with my soul, facilitating rapid reception of insights and guidance.

I'm most excited about utilizing the tools I've gained from the program to maintain and stabilize the growth and expansion I've experienced while also continuing to build upon it. 


Missy O.


Pamela H.