Yvette A.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started my hypnosis work with Heidi. I had tried many different healing modalities in the past and didn’t know how hypnosis would be different, but I was happily surprised. What I found was that these sessions with Heidi took all of the other work I did to the next level, whether it be working with reiki, shadow work, affirmations, or unblocking limiting beliefs. They’re all interconnected and hypnosis is like a piece of dynamite clearing the way to a more authentic version of myself. The work Heidi did with me was very personal, and I felt safe with her at every turn as we dug deeper and deeper. She skillfully and thoughtfully helped me access my subconscious mind to uncover old emotions I didn’t even realize were holding me back. She is passionate about this work and was with me every step of the way, guiding me and holding the most beautiful space for me to work through my business.

What a gift this whole process has been. As powerful as the five sessions are, I’m finding that my daily 7th Path practice (which comes along with Heidi’s work) is helping me to continually uncover and dump out my limiting beliefs each and every day. I feel like the sky’s the limit to what I can achieve with this.

I highly recommend Heidi to anyone looking to have a profound experience uncovering one’s full potential. It’s equally inspiring to be led by a woman living out her own soul’s purpose who is dedicated to helping others do the same.


Cheri Fogel, Sr. Manager, Global Talent Acquisition


Serra S.