Aligning Our Energetic Agreements
Agreements have been on my mind a lot lately.
We make agreements throughout our lives, sometimes we’re aware of it, sometimes we’re not.
We make them in our relationships - setting up the dynamic that will play out going forward: “This is my role, this is your role, this is how we do things.” We may not even be aware of the agreements we have within our relationships until suddenly something feels like it’s not working (I see you: resentment, frustration, bitterness,) and until we recognize that there’s an agreement in place that no longer serves both people it will stay in place.
We make agreements in our family of origin about what role we play within it. We make agreements professionally, financially, in our friendships. We sign onto agreements in religion, politics, and belief systems. We commit to them all over the place, but how often are we intentionally looking at them when we make them? How often are we reassessing and making sure they still serve us?
Alignment In Our Agreements
Recently when thinking about one of my agreements, I had a vision of my ankle tied with an energetic cord to someone else’s ankle as if we were in a three-legged race together. I saw that I had intentionally and enthusiastically committed to being in agreement with this person in a business opportunity years ago. From the start we were in step, easily making our way towards the goal together.
Over the past few years, many life changes blew through and it had become an agreement I was resistant to, I didn’t want to be in it anymore. What I realized was that until I changed this agreement I was still in this three-legged race energetically. She was still running the race towards the goal we’d built our agreement around and though I wasn’t consciously doing anything to sabotage her efforts, I was energetically. It was as if I stopped running beside her and my resistance was keeping her from sprinting towards that goal.
I realized that if I could honor what was right for me and end our agreement it would not only set me free of something that no longer aligned - it would also set her free to go faster towards her goal. I needed to untie that energetic cord that tied us together so that we could both be free.
When agreements no longer serve those within it we need to bring our attention to aligning our agreements energetically. We may think we’ve moved on if we’ve decided to just “put it behind us” but haven’t actually made a change to the agreement, the energetic tie still exists, and when it does we hold not only ourselves back but the people we’re tethered to. There’s freedom when we intentionally look at the agreements we have and make the upgrades or releases that are needed in order for us to come into our own alignment with how we’re meant to be living.
I’m taking inventory of my agreements. I see some that are perfectly aligned, some that need to shift in some way, and others that have served their purpose and are ready to be released. I’m also allowing myself the freedom to make those changes, and anticipate that there will be some that are good right now that may not be good in the future, and that’s ok with me. I’ll keep my agreements for as long as they are in alignment, and then I’ll gently untie them.
Reviewing Agreements
If you want to begin looking at your agreements just start with one. Pick one relationship or contract and the agreement that exists within it. Close your eyes and “see” this agreement as a cord around your ankle tied to the others within this agreement. Does it feel good? Does it feel healthy? Does it hurt? Does it need to shift and be rewritten? Does it need to just be released?
Take note of what comes up - there’s no need to act on it right away. Just allow it to be information first. Journaling can be hugely helpful in processing new information. I’m also a huge fan of popping in AirPods and using the voice memo app to just record a stream of consciousness while I take a walk and verbally process. You will be shown what’s in need of an update. Trust your inner guidance to show you how to make those changes so that you can be more aligned with what is authentically right for you, right now.
Our individual journeys are meant to reflect our growth - they’re evolutionary if we let them be. When we start to live intentionally - becoming aware of where we are on our paths, what we’re meant to be learning, what we need to integrate or release, what we’re meant to move beyond or into - we become co-creators of our lives and that’s when things get really fun.