I Became a New Version of Myself

Something changed last weekend… 

I stepped into a new version of myself and became a person who does things. 

I've always been a pretty productive and driven person, in fact my ex-husband once told me that he thought I was the most productive person he knew because I can get more done in a day than most people can get done in 4. 

I was efficient and became proficient in many things (thanks to my Projector energy type and accompanying astrology) that would indicate that I was a person very capable of “getting things done.” 

But maybe the most powerful reason I was that way was because I was terrified of being a burden to anyone (not consciously - this was my core wound stored carefully within the maze of my subconscious programming).  

I got so many things done that I ended up halfway to adrenal failure because I was doing 

All. The. Motherfucking. Things. to the detriment of my physical health and dreams. 

Let me explain. 

I was stuck in patterns of doing - the laundry, shopping, cooking, cleaning, business tasks, parenting, supporting my husband in his dream career (which I absorbed as my own) - and I didn't realize I was operating in limiting patterns - because I was too busy too. 

I was living a very human life and was so busy I didn't realize I was living far away from my soul and its dreams. 

But I got the message through my Adrenal Fatigue healing journey - this was what actually FORCED me to stop “doing” and when I did it led me to:

Remember my worth

Divorce (beautifully)

Find LOVE in Aaron 

Manifest a gorgeous Co-Parenting situation

Leave a Career and began a new one

Accept and claim my innate gifts  


Which leads me to last weekend and how l once again became a person who does things. 

Stepping Into A New Version of Myself

In unwinding myself from all that I was doing because I'd been “programmed” to do it in order to stay safe (aka not be a burden) I made space within.  As I healed from the inside out I learned to trust my intuition (and it had more access to lead me).  

So with this past weekend's eclipse, I knew I'd be wrapping up a two-year stint learning something I needed to learn. It was not “fun” nor would I like to revisit these themes of scarcity, fear, distrust in the divine realm's ability to support me, and the most rock-bottom moments of exposure again.  Because I didn't want to return to it I leaned hard into my willingness to be a participant in what was happening.  As stretchy as it was to hang on through the tumultuous ride of the unknown, I made myself willing and I shifted my gaze to the space beyond the eclipse. No joke - I almost held a graduation ceremony for myself this weekend because I was so eager to be on the other side of the “class” I'd been in for two years.  I didn't.  But what I did do was begin to align myself with who I wanted to be as a result of this cycle completion. 

My dreams of owning (buying/renovating/building from scratch?) a cabin on a river, remodeling our lame laundry room, redesigning our backyard, traveling, expanding the reach of the work I'm here to do, getting fucking married to Aaron already, etc. 

Acting On My Dreams

These are not new dreams.  These are dreams I've had for years sitting like pots on a low simmer on the back of the stove.  They require vision, figuring out how to make them come to fruition, and action.   

I'd been fixating on not being able to take action right now because life circumstances/finances etc. didn't make it possible.  So I just let them all sit on the back of the stove and with this eclipse, I had a real awakening about magic and making my own

A cabin on the McKenzie is probably not going to land in my lap. 

A planned wedding isn't going to knock on my door. 

Expanding my reach and impact doesn't happen if I do nothing. 

So, I made a decision to become a person who does things (and no longer let my dreams simmer). 

I began actively seeking out people, referrals, ways to learn, and different ways of doing things to inch me closer to actualizing my dreams.  I started talking about what I was up to and why I was doing it and lo and behold things started popping up in my world to move me forward.  

It stretches me to reach out to people to be vulnerable and ask them for help - but I've found that humility and transparency are actually powerful. 

In the last week, I have:

Magically connected with a woman who offered to peek into the course I'm creating to help me bring it to life - we met, and I've brought her on as COO of my business because she's what I've been looking for to fill a necessary role. 

Chatted with a mortgage broker I was referred to by one of my incredible clients, which gave me amazing next steps towards multiple dreams listed above. 

Ran into a friend of the family who's a contractor and may very well be the man to help us with our laundry room reno in 2024. 

Heard from our #1 venue choice for the wedding and got the ball in motion there. 

Sent out my first podcast guest pitch to expand my reach. 

All because I chose to become a person who does things (and not things I don't want to do, the things I would regret dying and not having done while I was alive and well here).  I became a new version of myself.

It's stretchy but in the best way.  It activates my soul within and indicates that “this is where I'm headed - meet me there,” to the divine realm. 

And it's happening. 

It's also happening with those who have gone through the Soul Forward Method. I hear story after story of people taking action they've put off for years, decades even, and they're doing it because they've created space for their soul to guide them through their intuition (and they're trusting it).

So I wonder, what's low-simmering on the back of your stove just waiting for you to give it a little heat?  

Are you putting off the things that actually make you come alive when you think about them? Do you stack your to-do list with the vacuuming and dusting, shopping and cooking, the mundane and routine so much so that it leaves little time for you to sign up for the writing class?  Look into becoming a public speaker? Launch your business? Create the baking course that so many are waiting for you to create so they can learn your secrets? “Insert not doing your dream here”? 

What if we all became people who do the things we're actually here to do? 

I think we'd light up the world. 


Independence Day 11.6.18 - Reflection On Divorce


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